The Shenzen Biennial of Urban Planning and Architecture is the most visited biennial in the World. The curators of the IX edition entitled Urban Cosmologies -Andong Lu, Zigeng Wang and Aric Chen- invited the architectural firms of TDH – Turin Design Hub, coordinated by Politecnico di Torino and South China University of Technology, to develop visions for three abandoned industrial sites in the Greater Bay Area, one of the biggest urbanised regions in the world. The result is a collage city weaving together the visions of the 9 TDH firms. The title of the installation, GBA UNINTERRUPTED is a hint at a famous precedent. Any common ground between the Pearl River Delta, today the Greater Bay Area (GBA), and 1978 “Rome Interrupted”? The installation by Sartogo, Stirling, Venturi, Rossi and many more stated that Rome stopped to produce urban quality 2.5 centuries before and asked to restart from the 1748 Nolli map. GBA UNINTERRUPTED investigates the potential continuity between the past and future offered by industrial regeneration, within a perspective of 25 years.
> Discover our participation to the Shenzhen Biennale here.